About the project
The project "Pragmatic approach of the environmental, economic, social and legal challenges of the energy transition" is implemented by Bankwatch Romania Association in partnership with the 2Celsius Association and involves addressing climate change through the energy transition. The aim of the project is to actively involve civil society in the development of long-term public policies to decarbonise the energy sector, thus contributing to reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
The project is structured on three pillars:

Public policies for the energy transition, in which we focus on encouraging measures that support the development of renewable energy through involvement in public consultations, watchdog activities and analyses of measures taken by the authorities.

Just transition in Gorj, in which we support the development of a coalition of civil society, authorities and the business environment in Gorj County which will be actively involved and propose projects for a just transition for citizens and employees in the fossil fuel-dependent sectors.

A legal clinic for environmental law, designed to increase the number of specialists in environmental law who will develop and bring to court cases of violations of environmental legislation by economic operators.
The project is implemented during a 36-month period starting in March 2021 and benefits from an EUR 244,000 grant from Active Citizens Fund Romania, a programme funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through the EEA Grants 2014-2021. For more information, visit www.eeagrants.org. More details about Active Citizens Fund Romania are available at www.activecitizensfund.ro.